Michiana Fast Forward Meetings
Topics: Dates & Place TBA
- 3D Printing
- Robotics
- Financing Tech
- STEM in Michiana
- App Development
- Medical Technology
- Building with Micro Boards
- Development from Concept to Reality
- Online Commerce
- Patents and Copyrights
- Drones
- Wearable Electronics
- Big Data
- And more... Have a suggestion? Know a knowledgeable speaker/trainer? Let us know!
Events in Michiana
Boardroom Insights at NDLink: mendoza.nd.edu/why-mendoza/news-and-events/speaker-series/boardroom-insights-2015/
Meeting Time: 10:40 am to 12:10 pm Meeting Place: Jordan Auditorium of the Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University Top level executives come in to share their expertise. Dates vary. Talks are also available online afterwards. |
Digital WizardsLink: http://www.meetup.com/digitalwizards/
Meeting Time: Times Vary. Meeting Place: Locations vary. Some events are online in Google Hangouts. |
Global Game JamLink: http://thebranchsb.com/
Meeting Time: January 20 - 22, 2017 (Contact The Branch for details) Meeting Place: The Branch, 105 E. Jefferson Blvd, Suite 500, South Bend, IN 46601 574-367-2441 |
HackMichianaLink: http://thebranchsb.com/tag/hack-michiana/
Meeting Time: Second Thursday of the Month, 5:30 pm Meeting Place: The Branch, 105 E. Jefferson Blvd, Suite 500, South Bend, IN 46601 574-367-2441 Description: Partnership with Code for America and the City of South Bend to bring useful datasets and programs to the citizens of Michiana |
ignite MichianaLink: http://ignitemichiana.com/
Meeting Time: Meeting Times Vary Meeting Place: Meeting Place Varies - Please check for events on the link Local experts give short talks on their passions and contributions to Michiana Contact: Willow Weatherall |
Indiana Science OlympiadLink: https://www.indianascienceolympiad.org/
The Science Olympiad Executive Board and Advisory Committee are working hard to get all the necessary dates in place for this coming competition year. Below, you will find the dates for upcoming coaches clinics, invitationals, regionals, and state. Clinic Dates: Indiana Coaches Clinic - October 9-10, 2015 at IU Northwest. Click here to register. IUPUI Build It, Learn It Day - November 7, 2015 Great Lakes Coaches Clinic - November 6-7, 2015 Fly It Day - December 12, 2015 Invitational Dates: Whiting Invitational (C division only) - December 5, 2015 Manchester Invitational - TBA Northridge Invitational - January 16, 2016 IUPUI Invitational (Division C) - January 16, 2016 Valparaiso University Invitational (Both Divisions B & C) - TBA Regional Tournament Locations & Dates: Ivy Tech Bloomington – February 6, 2016 Goshen College - February 13, 2016 Saint Joseph's College - February 13, 2016 Purdue University Lafayette - Saturday, February 13, 2016. Vincennes University - February 13, 2016 Indiana University Northwest - February 27, 2016 Butler University - February 27, 2016 Purdue University Calumet - March 5, 2016 *Note if you select PUC as your regional tournament you will NOT be eligible to advance to the Wild Card as they are on the same day. Wild Card Tournament Location & Date: Ivy Tech Lafayette - Saturday, March 5, 2016. State Tournament Location & Date: Indiana University Bloomington - Saturday, March 19, 2016. |
IUSB EntrepreneurshipLink: https://www.iusb.edu/buse/lecture-series/entrepreneur-lecture-series/index.php
Meeting Time: Tuesday evenings from 7:00pm to 8:30pm Meeting Place: IUSB, Wiekamp Hall, Room 1001 Local top level executives come in to share their expertise. Dates vary. |
Local VariablesLink: www.meetup.com/localvariables/
Meeting Time: Monthly, Third Thursdays, 6:00 pm Meeting Place: IUSB, Room varies Local Variables is a group for people interested in software development in Northern Indiana/Southern Michigan. We bring together people with diverse interests in software development to network, learn from each other, and enhance the community around us through software. |
Maker Space in GoshenLink: http://makerspacegoshen.org/
Meeting Time: Every Thursday, 5:30 pm Meeting Place: The Local, 206 S. 5th Street, Goshen, IN 46526 |
Michiana Astronomical SocietyLink: http://www.michiana-astro.org/
Meeting Time: 3rd Monday of the Month, 7:00 pm (Notices on Meetup and FB) Meeting Place: Centre Library, 1150 E Kern Road South Bend, IN 46614 574-259-5277 |
Mr Mug - Michiana Midrange Users Group Link: http://www.mrmug.org/default.htm
Meeting Time: Third Thursday of the Month, Noon Meeting Place: CIBER, 4100 Edison Lakes Pkwy, Mishawaka, IN 46545 574-247-4867 to RSVP with Craig Nelson |
Northern Indiana Regional Science and Engineering Fair (NIRSEF)Link: http://sciencefair.nd.edu/
January 4, 2016 - Last Day for Local Fair Directors to Register Schools on SEFI website February 12, 2016 - Last Day for Local Fair Directors to Register Student Projects for NIRSEF on SEFI website - this means ALL information must be finalized and each student must be selected to advance to the Regional February 23, 2016 - 5:00PM Deadline for Participants to Complete Payment Method and HSEF/ISEF Availability February 26, 2016 - 5:00P to 7:00P - Stepan Center Open for Project Set Up (Stepan) February 27, 2016 - NIRSEF DAY - 7:45A to 9:00A - Open for Project Set Up (Stepan) - Judging Begins Promptly at 9:00A Local Contact Person: NIRSEF Executive Director, Email: [email protected] |
Notre Dame Startup WeekendLink: http://www.up.co/communities/usa/south-bend/startup-weekend/8258
Meeting Time: February 2-7, 2016 Meeting Place: Innovation Park, 1400 E. Angela Blvd., South Bend, IN 46617 Startup WeekendStartup Weekend is a global grassroots movement of active and empowered entrepreneurs who are learning the basics of founding startups and launching successful ventures. It is the largest community of passionate entrepreneurs with over a thousand past events in 110+ countries around the world. The non-profit organization is in Seattle, Washington but Startup Weekend organizers and facilitators can be found in cities around the world. From Mongolia to South Africa to London to Brazil, people around the globe are coming together for weekend long workshops to pitch ideas, form teams, and start companies. All Startup Weekend events follow the same basic model: anyone is welcome to pitch their startup idea and receive feedback from their peers. Teams organically form around the top ideas (as determined by popular vote) and then it’s a 54 hour frenzy of business model creation, coding, designing, and market validation. The weekends culminate with presentations in front of local entrepreneurial leaders with another opportunity for critical feedback. Whether entrepreneurs found companies, find a co-founder, meet someone new, or learn a skill far outside their usual 9-to-5, everyone is guaranteed to leave the event better prepared to navigate the chaotic but fun world of startups. If you want to put yourself in the shoes of an entrepreneur, register now for the best weekend of your life! |
NWI Tech FoundryLink: http://www.meetup.com/NWI-Tech-Foundry-Meetup/
Meeting Time: Meeting Times Vary Meeting Place: Meeting Place Varies - Please check for events on the link |
RepRap Midwest FestLink: http://midwestreprapfest.org/
LIVE PRESENTATIONS Come here presentations on some of the highlights of reprap projects, examples of innovative ideas and designs, here Josef Prusa talk about the core team, even some really neat examples of what can be done with reprap printers. We’ll also have one of the most active teachers in the U.S. with 3D printing explaining how to get kids in schools to grab ahold and use 3D printing TEST AND TUNE Experts will be on hand to help you troubleshoot issues or take your prints to the next level! The event is FULL of people who want to see everyone become an expert. Whether it’s a simple question about a software setting, a new mechanical design, recommendations on where to go to get into reprap or more, don’t hesitate to ask anyone at the event. MEET THE MAKERS Meet some of the big names in RepRap, like MaxBots (Mendel MAX dev), Josef Prusa (Prusa Mendel/i3 and more), Logxen (Smoothieboard Dev) and many more. CRAZY NEW REPRAPS Nicolas Seward (RepRap WALLY, SIMPSON, LISA) will be showing off his newest reprap creations, and talking about the unique features of his designs BUILD EVENTS Maker Tool Works will be featuring a fusematic build workshop to build one of their newest machines. To learn more, click HERE. 3D PRINTING CHALLENGES See some of the most difficult prints take shape over the course of the weekend, and some fun printing challenges too, like the hand-fed extruder print challenge |
Ruby Thursdays - South Bend Software CraftmanshipLink: http://www.meetup.com/sobesc/events/162345312/
Meeting Time: Every Thursday at Noon Meeting Place: Innovation Park, 1400 E. Angela Blvd., South Bend, IN, 46617 574-485-2428 |
Science AliveLink: http://sjcpl.org/science-alive
Meeting Time: February 4, 2017, 10:00 am - 4:00 pm Meeting Place: St. Joseph County Public Library, Main Branch, 304 South Main Street, South Bend, IN 46601 574-282-4646 |
Science CaféLink: http://southbendsciencecafe.com/
Meeting Time: Check on Facebook for dates and times https://www.facebook.com/groups/232601350224777/ Meeting Place: Varies (574) 234-1141 |
Startup WeekendLink: www.up.co/communities/usa/michiana/startup-weekend/7557
Meeting Time: Please check back for 2015 Meeting Place: Union Station in South Bend, IN Startup Weekend moves business ideas forward and participants can be a part of the Global Startup Battle. Startup Weekend is much more than moving an idea forward. It’s a great learning experience, a bonding weekend, an opportunity to meet great minds in our area. Most of all, it’s a lot of fun. |
TechpointLink: http://blog.techpoint.org/
Meeting Time: First Friday of the Month, 8:00 am to 9:30 am Meeting Place: South Bend location has been discontinued, but it continues in Indy |
TedxUNDLink: http://tedx2015.nd.edu/about-tedxund/
Meeting Time: February 27, 2015 Meeting Place: DeBartolo Performing Arts Center, University of Notre Dame At this time, 2016 has not been announced. |
Ten Years Hence at NDLink: http://mendoza.nd.edu/why-mendoza/news-and-events/speaker-series/ten-years-hence/
Meeting Time: 10:40 am to 12:10 pm Meeting Place: Jordan Auditorium of the Mendoza College of Business, Notre Dame University Top level executives come in to share their expertise. Dates vary. Talks are also available online afterwards. |
Note: If you have a Tech or STEM event in Michiana you would like us to post, please give us the information on the Contact Us page. Thanks!